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Category: Linux
Update – Site Changes
Hello All, I’ve been thinking for a while on what to do with my 2 domain names and I’ve come to a decision. will now be exclusively for music and beer related topics and all technology related topics will move to My reasoning for this is twofold. It opens up to people…
Deadbeat Guitarist Mugcast #11 – Testing Debian and the discomfort of Windows lessened
Deadbeat Guitarist Mugcast #11 – Testing Debian and the discomfort of Windows lessened Deadbeat Guitarist Mugcast #11 – Testing Debian and the pain of a windows box lessened. LINUX: Debian Stable vs Debian Testing Blog post WordPress – and the Jetpack Plugin pack – is the special goodness. Getting comfortable on Windows by bringing…
A week in Debian Stable leads me back to Debian Testing
Let me just put this out there, I really wanted to like Debian stable. Lord knows I wanted to curtail my desire for new software and just enjoy a nice stable box. But a week in Debian stable proved to be less than stable and I found myself reaching for the /etc/apt/sources.list file and replacing…
Back in Slacktion on the Netbook and it feels so right.
Well, I’ve been away from the Slack for a while now but a slacker can only stray so far from his roots before he needs to slack again. Slackware 13.37 is now out and ready for the installing. Here’s a quick rundown of my recent experience installing and setting up the latest Slackware Linux. I…
DBGM #10 – Chimay Blue + Dolphin Mini
DBGM #10 – Chimay Blue + Dolphin Mini Click Here for Ogg-Cast (Audio) Brewery: Chimay Peres Trappistes Direct link to the beer itself Beer Advocate: Beer advocate findings on the beer Personal findings: Colour: Dark Brown Aroma: Belgian yeast mild spice and fruit flavour Summary: A very carbonated strong Belgian ale – not as sweet…